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Posts Categorized: Goals & Productivity Remove Filter

Control Your Stress, Efficiency, and Intelligence in 10 Minutes a Day
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Control Your Stress, Efficiency, and Intelligence in 10 Minutes a Day

I’m sitting on my living room floor, with my back against the wall, my eyes closed. My right shoulder itches, but I’m trying to let that thought—and others like it—meander on past me. I’ve committed to a daily meditation practice for 10 minutes a day, for 10 days. So, I’ll be back in this same […]

Eating Your Way to a More Productive Workday
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Eating Your Way to a More Productive Workday

You are what you eat. It’s a cliché, we know, but some clichés stick around for a reason. Food (and beverages, to some extent) turn into the sugars, fats, amino acids, and other things that keep us alive. There’s lots of talk about how people eat right now because of the country’s obesity epidemic and […]

Never Procrastinate Again
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Never Procrastinate Again

Some days, I feel unstoppable. I make lists, I check them twice, and I accomplish so many tasks I want to call people up and brag about it. (Although, “Hey, guess how many things I got done today?” might be the most boring opening phone call line ever.) Other days? Not so much. On those […]

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?
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How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

How much—and how well—do you need to sleep to feel rested, recharged, and ready to tackle all of the challenges an entrepreneur faces in everyday life? And, is it better to be a morning lark or a late owl? Let the research show do the talking…

The Research-Backed Guide to Increasing Office Productivity
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The Research-Backed Guide to Increasing Office Productivity

There are few buzzwords as often rehashed has “productivity.” However, as well-canvassed as the concept of workplace productivity may be, the goal of creating the most productive workplace possible seems sometimes elusive. With so much information out there, how do you sift through it all and determine what really is—and isn’t—worthwhile? What can you do […]

Inbox Zero: Your Guide to Email Zen
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Inbox Zero: Your Guide to Email Zen

If you struggle to get your email inbox to that zen place where it says “0 unread messages”, you’re not alone. Here are nine tips you can use to become one with your email. You don’t even have to fold your legs into the lotus position first.

12 Tips for a Wildly Productive Home Office
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12 Tips for a Wildly Productive Home Office

Maybe you’re working from home doing freelance work, or you started your own business and don’t have an office space. Perhaps you’ve been working remotely for a company, so you spend a lot of time in your living room. In any case, no matter how hard you attempt to keep a productive home office, it […]

Boost Your Productivity with 10 Time Management Tips
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Boost Your Productivity with 10 Time Management Tips

Have you experienced too many days of mind-numbing work, only to be faced with the realization that you haven’t accomplished a fraction of what you’d intended? Of course, this happens to everyone occasionally, but if it is becoming a routine occurrence in your life, it’s time to do some sober introspection so that you can […]