Sept 18 webinar:

New Feature: Industry Data & Insights Register for FREE!

See how LivePlan helps streamline your advising services and boost capital infusion

Present a polished, professional plan

Quickly understand your clients' businesses

LivePlan gets your clients started on a simple, lean, one-page business plan. View an example of LivePlan's one-page pitch. Use this as a springboard to quickly understand your clients' businesses. If you use the Business Model Canvas, LivePlan's one-page pitch is a great next step.

It's also a great tool for weeding out the “tire-kickers” so you can focus on clients who are really ready to start or grow their business.

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Man working on laptop with LivePlan

Create a fundable business plan using a proven template

LivePlan reduces the time needed to get a client from an idea to fundable business plan. Whether for an SBA-backed loan or smaller financing—it's a standardized platform, with instructions and examples at every step. It also provides foolproof, professional financial forecasting. You'll spend less time dealing with spreadsheets and more time working with clients on their strategy.

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Automatic Financials

Reduce your time spent on forecasting by 70 percent

You need powerful financial forecasting, but also need to make it easy and approachable for your clients. LivePlan walks clients through the process of building detailed strategic forecasts with instructions and examples at every step. Clients can make progress on their own and will understand the concepts behind the numbers. Best of all, they can't break any formulas or mess up any Excel worksheets.

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Woman working in warehouse with LivePlan profit metrics

Know how your clients' numbers stack up against the competition

With Benchmarks, you can use real data from businesses across the country to see how realistic the plan is. Compare by region and size to get the most accurate data possible. LivePlan helps create budgets and forecasts that make sense.

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Business partners using LivePlan

Advise strategically and help your clients grow their businesses every month

Conduct regular advising meetings with your clients, using LivePlan's Dashboard reports. Compare forecasts to actuals, explore trends, uncover problems, and guide them to solutions. LivePlan helps you be effective and engaged with your clients as you help them reach their growth goals.

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Kel, a customer advocate, smiling next to a screenshot of their chat with a customer

You provide the strategic advice—we provide the software and support

Your clients need help and support when you're not available. That's why we offer free phone, email, and chat support. Our team works as an extension of you and your team, answering any technical questions that come up.

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Ready to streamline your advising with LivePlan?

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