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Customer Story

Megan Jones: Kids FIRST

Megan Jones: Kids FIRST


Kids FIRST is a nonprofit children's advocacy center located in Eugene, Oregon. Established as an independent nonprofit in 2017, Kids FIRST provides intervention and advocacy services to approximately 700 victims of child abuse every year. The organization aims to ensure that children don't slip through the cracks during investigations by facilitating collaboration between child welfare services, law enforcement, and schools. Led by Executive Director Sarah Stewart and Finance Director Megan Jones, Kids FIRST is seeking to expand its services beyond its initial reliance on grant funding to include more advanced screenings and mental health services for children in need.

"They appreciated having the finances simplified. That makes it nice when you're in a position where you have to regularly present financial data to a board of directors."

Megan Jones

Finance Director, Kids FIRST


Kids FIRST faced significant challenges in securing funding for a larger facility to accommodate their growing services. Traditional nonprofit financial models, heavily reliant on grant funding, proved insufficient for their expansion plans. When approaching banks for loans to purchase a bigger building, they were turned down due to the inability to demonstrate a reliable financial path beyond grant funding. The organization needed to prove it could achieve sizable fundraising and medical insurance reimbursement income to convince lenders of their long-term viability.

Exterior of kids FIRST new building


Kids FIRST turned to LivePlan to map out their finances and create an overall funding strategy. The non-profit began using LivePlan's forecast tool to model different financial scenarios, balancing the timing of new hires and building investments with expected cash flow from medical reimbursements and fundraising. They leveraged LivePlan's pitch and plan features to craft a compelling, detailed business proposal for potential financiers. This allowed them to present a polished, organized look that elevated them above the traditional view of service-based nonprofits.


Using LivePlan, Kids FIRST created a professional, comprehensive business plan and financial forecast that impressed potential lenders. They successfully secured a bank loan at competitive rates and qualified for additional financing that further reduced their loan interest rate. This funding allowed Kids FIRST to triple their square footage and expand from 10 to 18 employees. Beyond the initial funding success, Kids FIRST continues to use LivePlan for ongoing management, helping them navigate challenges, plan for future growth and make strategic decisions. The software has also improved board communications by providing concise, visually appealing financial reports.

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