Business Plans for Teams

Business planning for teams

Share your workload by having colleagues work with you on your business plan or give an advisor access to provide feedback and guidance. With LivePlan, you don't have to plan alone.

Truly easy collaboration

Finally, it's easy to collaborate on a plan with your partner or team. No more emailing files back and forth or losing one person's changes because you accidentally saved over them. And forget having to figure it all out by yourself because of a restrictive software license. LivePlan makes business planning a team activity.

You choose who sees what

If you've got several versions of your business plan, or multiple partners and multiple different plans, it's easy to manage permissions. Allow specific collaborators to see and work on only the plans you want them to see. The plan owner decides who can access what, on a plan-by-plan basis. See Example

Get comments and advice from your team

You don't have to give somebody access to edit your plan to get their insights. Invited users can comment on any section of a plan. You get feedback that you can implement (or ignore) without worrying about somebody actually changing the work you've done. See Example

Share with advisors or investors

Say you want advice from your accountant. Give them instant access by inviting them right from your laptop or even your smart phone. Meet a potential investor at a networking event? They can be reading your plan and thinking about investing in your business—in minutes. With LivePlan, you can write your plan in the language of your choosing and share it with international business partners. You can invite unlimited readers to view your plan—for free! And don't worry, you can take access away from any guest, at any time.

Trusted by over 1 million small businesses and entrepreneurs like Matt

“For an Air Force pilot on the move all over the world, connecting with my business partner and sharing the load of the business plan when we couldn't be in the same room (let alone country), LivePlan was a lifesaver. I honestly have no idea what we would have done without it. I've recommended this program time and time again to my professional colleagues, and I'd be surprised if there's a better product on the market.”
Matt W
Matt Wallace
President, Breton Air