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The LivePlan Blog

Candice Landau

Candice Landau

Candice is a freelance writer, jeweler, and digital marketing hybrid. You can learn more about her by reaching out on Twitter @candylandau.

LivePlan Posts Written By Candice Landau

Should You Offer Equity Compensation to Employees?
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Should You Offer Equity Compensation to Employees?

In 2005, David Choe was invited to paint a number of murals at Facebook’s HQ in Palo Alto. At the time, Facebook wasn’t the goliath it is today and so, Choe was given a couple of options: he could have $60,000 in cash, or stock (equal to the equivalent amount of the cash back then). Choe […]

8 Easy Ideas to Motivate Your Employees
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8 Easy Ideas to Motivate Your Employees

Your employees are the most important asset you have. Their successes (or failures) have a direct impact on your company’s future. The crazy thing? You have the ability to change your business by the way you interact with your employees. You can change their environment. You can offer perks. You can help build teams of people […]

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The Small Business Owner’s Accounting Cheat Sheet

According to a study undertaken by the Small Business Administration, 28% of companies go bankrupt due to problems with the financial structure of the company. Many of these problems could be avoided by following good accounting practices. Keeping a record of your financial details IS important to the livelihood of your business. Not only will the correct […]