The Best of the LivePlan Blog From 2017

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As you look toward growing and planning for your business in 2018, check out some of our best articles from 2017.

In particular, we updated our Lean Planning series, so if you’re thinking about using a better and more nimble planning process this year, be sure to take a look.

You’ll also find some of our most useful pieces on productivity, risk-taking, leadership, and more (click on the title of each article to check it out).

An Introduction to Lean Planning

If you only read one article about planning and managing your business this year, read this introduction to Lean Planning written (and recently updated) by Palo Alto Software (makers of LivePlan) COO Noah Parsons.

Lean Planning helps you develop a solid strategy for your business, refine your strategy as you learn more about your customers and their needs, and track your performance as you go.

You can use our Lean Planning template to get started, or check out our step-by-step guides:

How Do Successful Entrepreneurs Start the Workday?

How do you want to feel on the morning of the first day of 2018? Briana Morgaine shares some tips on how the most successful entrepreneurs start their days.

Spoiler: it’s different for everyone, but there are some great ideas in this piece that can help you figure out what works for you.

Why Risk-Takers Are Winners (and Why All Entrepreneurs Should Take Risks)

Do you consider yourself a risk-taker? One of the major benefits of Lean Planning is that it should actually help reduce risk by making it easier to make adjustments to your business plan and strategy as you go.

But as an entrepreneur, you’ll face all kinds of uncertainty no matter what. In this article, Harriet Genever walks through some of the benefits of taking calculated risks.

What I Learned Spending 50K on Facebook Ads

Are you thinking about advertising your startup using Facebook Ads in 2018? Jim Huffman shares what he learned from scaling his Facebook ads from a budget of $20 a day to $30,000 a month.

Entrepreneur’s Workspaces: What Makes a Productive, Inspiring Office?

Briana Morgaine set out to uncover the best office setups for entrepreneurs with a simple question: What does your workspace look like, and why does it make you feel productive, creative, and inspired?

From co-working spaces to home offices, entrepreneurs weighed in with what works for them.

Which Are Better: Individual or Team Goals?

Anna Johannson explores the best way to set business goals, and how individual and team goals can work together.

For example, you might set a collective goal to reach a certain amount of revenue in sales for you and your team, but an individual goal to earn three new leads per day. 

9 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I First Became a CEO

Piers Ede asks CEOs for their best advice for first-time leaders.

The bottom line: regardless of your sector, simply seeking advice when you need it, and finding someone you can trust to fill the gaps in your knowledge will take you far.

Is Emotional Intelligence the Biggest Indicator of Success?

How can your emotional intelligence affect your ability to succeed? Your ability to relate to and communicate with others can have a big impact on your business. Harriet Genever shares research and ideas for how to increase your own emotional intelligence and why it matters.

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Kateri Kosta
Kateri Kosta
Kateri is a leader in innovative brand and content marketing. She’s committed to putting the best words in the right order to deliver high quality, discoverable, and useful tools and resources at scale. She enjoys exploring the intersection of tech, words, and the people to who drive small business culture.
Posted in Goals & Productivity, Management

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