This Week in Small Business: From Personal Credit to International Business

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Planning on taking your business to another country? Make sure you read up on the local business customs first.

From the way your personal credit can impact your ability to get a loan, to doing business internationally, this week on Bplans we covered several aspects of running a small business. If you’re interested in improving your branding, getting feedback on your business pitch before you present it to investors, or determining if the restaurant industry is right for you, check out these articles on Bplans.

1. An Overview of Lean Business Planning

At Palo Alto Software, we’re all about the lean plan—it’s an efficient, “living” document, as opposed to the long, stuffy business plans that were once the norm. Palo Alto Software founder Tim Berry gives an overview of the lean business plan, and what to include in one.

2. 4 Reasons to Brand Your Business

You might think that establishing a brand is only for big businesses like Coca-Cola or Nike, but small businesses need brands, too. Building your brand will increase your legitimacy, make you memorable, and more. Find out how your small business can benefit from effective branding.

3. What Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know About Personal Credit

When it comes to getting a business loan, personal credit shouldn’t matter, right? Wrong. Your personal credit matters—a lot. In fact, a poor personal credit score will likely prevent you from receiving funding. Find out more, including how to improve your credit score.

4. Where to Get Feedback on Your Business Pitch

So, you’ve created a great pitch, with a winning pitch deck and a presentation that is sure to wow your investors. But before you present your pitch, it’s a good idea to get some feedback. From mentors, to industry experts, to your five year old daughter, we go over the various sources you can turn to for feedback on your pitch.

5. 39 Things to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Restaurant

The food and beverage industry is always popular—in fact, restaurant, cafe, and pub business plan templates are our most popular on Bplans. However, it’s a tough industry. Do you have what it takes to be successful? Ask yourself these questions.

6. International Do’s and Don’ts For the Traveling Entrepreneur

Many businesses find themselves expanding to other countries, and this can be an exciting time for an entrepreneur. But, do you know how to do business on an international level? There may be customs you are not aware of, so here’s a few of the do’s and don’ts of international business to get you started. The biggest tip? Do research on the country you plan to do business in—some of the business customs may surprise you!

7. 5 Reasons You Might Not Qualify for an SBA Loan…and What to Do About It

Small business loans (or SBA loans) are great for new businesses. However, it’s not easy to get one. Here are five of the common problems small businesses face when seeking an SBA loan, and how to overcome these hurdles.

8. Things to Consider When Starting a Freight Business

Interested in starting a freight business? The freight industry is big, competitive, and both freight forwarding businesses and freight brokerage businesses offer pros and cons. Learn the difference between a forwarding and a brokerage business, the upsides and downsides of each, so that you can make the best decision when it comes to starting a freight business.

9. The Different Types of Business Plans

There are several different types of business plans, and depending on your situation, your business will require a specific one. It can be overwhelming; lean plans, standard plans, internal plans, feasibility plans—which is right for your business? In this article, Tim Berry, our resident business plan expert, discusses the various types of business plans, including the purpose of each and when to use each type.

10. Great Green Tips for Building a Sustainable Startup

If you’re starting a business, being eco-friendly might not be at the top of your list. But, it’s easy to implement “green” strategies into your workplace, which not only help to reduce your startup’s negative environmental impact, but will also endear you to the community and customers who prefer patronizing green businesses.

11. 7 Ways to Turn Unpaid Client Bills Into Cash

If you have a client who just won’t pay on time, this can turn into a cash flow problem. From factoring to offering incentives for early payment, here are seven ways to turn the money you are owed into cash for your business.

Do you have questions about running your business? 

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Briana Morgaine
Briana Morgaine
Briana is a content and digital marketing specialist, editor, and writer. She enjoys discussing business, marketing, and social media, and is a big fan of the Oxford comma. Bri is a resident of Portland, Oregon.
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