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The LivePlan Blog

Alan Gleeson

Alan Gleeson

Alan Gleeson is the General Manager of Palo Alto Software Ltd, creators of LivePlan and Business Plan Pro. He holds an MBA from Oxford University and is a graduate of University College, Cork, Ireland. Follow him on Twitter @alangleeson

LivePlan Posts Written By Alan Gleeson

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12 Tech Tools Palo Alto Software Recommends to Small Businesses

As a technology company with a SaaS (Software as a Service) product (LivePlan), we tend to be early adopters when it comes to using new technologies. We’re also a small business ourselves, so we’re careful about making sure we get the most value for our money. We get asked now and then about what tools […]

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The Lean Startup: Benefits and Criticisms

The Lean Startup is a business approach that is synonymous with the work of Eric Ries (who has also published a book called The Lean Startup) and Stanford professor Steve Blank. It describes a new approach for startups and prescribes behaviours they should adapt to increase the likelihood that they will succeed. While the concept […]

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Focusing on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Part 2

The previous blog post covered a number of KPIs entrepreneurs should be tracking. The following represent some additional ones. Customer acquisition costs (CAC) The customer acquisition cost is simply how much it costs to acquire a customer. There can be a couple of variations here, as some calculate costs purely on the straight marketing cost, […]

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Focusing on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Part 1

Key performance indicators (KPIs) consist of a number of important metrics that businesses should measure and use to manage their businesses. While these will vary across industries, the following represent some of the more common ones that are important for SaaS-based businesses. Cash Managing cash has always been an important element of running a business, […]