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The LivePlan Blog

Josh Cochrane

Josh Cochrane

Josh Cochrane is Vice President of Product Development at Palo Alto Software, where he manages development of the business planning tool LivePlan. He writes for this site and elsewhere on product design, small business and entrepreneurship, and related topics. Josh joined Palo Alto from FabTrol Systems, a leading provider of MRP software for the steel fabrication industry, where he served for most of a decade as Marketing Manager and later Product Manager. He was responsible for marketing communications, product marketing, and new product development. Josh has a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Oregon's Clark Honors College. Before finding his rightful home in software, he also attended the Emory University School of Law in Atlanta and served as an editor for several magazines in the publishing industry.

LivePlan Posts Written By Josh Cochrane

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LivePlan’s Focus Shifts From Plans to Your Company

This month’s product update introduces an important shift that has been a long time in coming. To better support the “live planning” process, we have changed the fundamental focus of the app from your plan to your company. Great planning is about more than just a plan Creating a great business plan is an important […]

LivePlan Product Update: Faster Performance
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LivePlan Product Update: Faster Performance

Our latest monthly product update, which went live last Thursday night, was all about speed. We are fortunate to have a growing customer base, and we want to make sure the app stays fast and responsive to keep you all working productively. Our team spent most of the past month tuning and refactoring the app […]

Announcing Liveplan’s Supercharged Business Dashboard
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Announcing Liveplan’s Supercharged Business Dashboard

  Editor’s note: Since publication of this update, our Scoreboard feature has undergone a change, and we now call it the Dashboard.   This month’s product update, which just went live today, delivers a major expansion of LivePlan’s Dashboard feature for ongoing financial management. For those of you not using it already, the Dashboard is a […]

Product Update: New Financial Viewer and More
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Product Update: New Financial Viewer and More

We’ve been busy this month, which is just how we like it. Our latest product update introduces a dedicated tab for financials, a powerful new tool for reviewing the full monthly detail of your projections, easier access to the financial editor, an option to add funding details to your Pitch, and more. Financials tab The […]

Simpler pitch financials on LivePlan
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Simpler pitch financials on LivePlan

Our monthly product update went live this morning. Here is a quick look at what’s new: New billing solution We focused most of our development effort this month on the rollout of our new account management and billing system. That’s exciting for us, even if it sounds a little “under the hood” to you. A better […]

Product Update: New Pitch Features
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Product Update: New Pitch Features

  Our monthly product update is now live. Despite a lighter working schedule over the holidays, the development team did a lot of good work this month on infrastructure upgrades, preparation for upcoming enhancements to the Dashboard, as well as a couple of handy additions to our new pitch feature. EXPAND YOUR PITCH The LivePlan Pitch […]

Product Update: The LivePlan Pitch
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Product Update: The LivePlan Pitch

The latest new and improved version of the LivePlan app is now live. This is an important milestone for us. Sure, it marks the 28th major release since our spring 2011 launch, a pace we’re pretty proud of. More importantly, though, this release introduces our newest innovation—the “LivePlan Pitch” feature. After several months of planning […]

Announcing Liveplan’s Easy Access Update
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Announcing Liveplan’s Easy Access Update

Our latest monthly product update went live on Wednesday, August 29. This release is light on new features because the team has been spending most of their time on a couple of larger projects that will go live within the next two months. You will, however, find a few notable additions in the product: Easier […]