Introducing the LivePlan Assistant: Improve Your Plan With AI

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African American female entrepreneur standing in her clothing boutique while writing her business plan using the LivePlan Assistant on her laptop.

LivePlan was built to reinvent business planning by making the process faster, easier, and more useful for every type of business owner. Each update, new feature, and even the smallest design tweak are all made with the goal of helping you better grow your business.

But even with the most powerful planning tool by your side, you’re bound to run into one of the biggest problems for aspiring business owners—you’re likely not a professional writer. You have a great idea. You’ve done the research. You just need a bit of extra help to bring your business to life on the page.

That’s where the new AI-powered LivePlan Assistant comes in.

Improve your plan writing with the LivePlan Assistant

LivePlan Assistant combines the power of ChatGPT with the expertise of a professional business plan writer
But unlike ChatGPT, there’s no need to figure out the perfect prompt to help you write a business plan. We’ve done all that upfront work for you and baked it into LivePlan.

LivePlan Assistant dropdown within LivePlan

Now, all you need to worry about is getting the basics of your idea down. Then use LivePlan Assistant to help you rewrite. It can:

  • Expand on your idea and introduce new concepts that you may have overlooked.
  • Adjust the tone of your plan to resonate with specific audiences like investors.
  • Reformat sections of your plan to be shorter or longer.
  • Check for grammar, spelling, and other common mistakes.
  • Provide a polished business plan in English for non-native speakers. 

And this is just what the Rewrite tool is capable of. More features are coming soon to further enhance the LivePlan Assistant’s ability to help you write a great business plan.

How does the Rewrite tool work?

The LivePlan Assistant’s Rewrite feature is available to all Standard and Premium LivePlan accounts. 

To use LivePlan Assistant’s Rewrite tool, all you need to do is head on over to the Plan tab within LivePlan. 

  1. Open a section of your plan and start adding text. This will cause the Rewrite tool to appear and provide immediate access to all editing options. 
  2. Based on your choice, the AI generates suggested text within the LivePlan Assistant box.
  3. You can then choose to copy the suggested text and paste it within the plan section you’re working on or ask it to regenerate the response.

You can even provide feedback on the quality of the response. This will help us further refine the tool to make it more useful for you and other LivePlan users.

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Create a professional business plan

Using AI and step-by-step instructions

Create Your Plan

Secure funding

Validate ideas

Build a strategy

I’m not sure about AI, can I opt out?

This and other future AI tools will be on by default, but you can easily turn them off. 

We do understand that you may have concerns about the potential risks and consequences of using AI. You may be worried about the broader impact on society, or just value creating your plan from scratch. 

To address these concerns, we are committed to making our AI features entirely optional. We believe in the freedom to choose how you use our product and want to make it easy to opt in or opt out of LivePlan Assistant and any future AI tools. 

To opt out, head on over to your account settings. 

What can you do with the Rewrite tool?

Right now, the LivePlan Assistant generates text using six unique rewrite options. 


A hand-crafted rewrite to try and present you with the best possible business plan writing. This prompt applies active voice, improves clarity, utilizes more descriptive language, and enhances readability with more skimmable formatting.


Is your plan overly wordy? Use this rewrite option to make it more concise without sacrificing key pieces of information. It will focus on removing redundant information, filler words, and merging similar points or ideas together.


Struggling to get past a short list of ideas? The Expand rewrite option will elaborate on what you have written and provide additional details, examples, or explanations to strengthen your plan.

Professional Tone

Preparing to apply for a business loan? Adjust your plan to sound more professional and emphasize your expertise, credibility, and authority. This will replace informal language and use more precise and technical terms relevant to your industry.

Persuasive Tone

Preparing to pitch to an investor? Make your plan more compelling through storytelling, vivid imagery, and rhetorical devices designed to elicit an emotional response.

Academic Tone

Transform the tone of your plan to emphasize formality, objectivity, and scholarly language. This will help you avoid informal expressions and better utilize appropriate terminology and jargon specific to your business. It can even add useful citations to relevant scholarly articles to bolster your credibility.

Will there be more AI features?

Yes, there will be new AI features that expand the capabilities of the LivePlan Assistant. In fact, we already have a new feature called Suggested Revenue Streams available for beta users to try out.

We truly believe that incorporating AI within LivePlan will improve the product and help users, like you, succeed in growing your business. While we can’t get into specifics about upcoming features, just know that what we are working on will further strengthen your ability to write a useful business plan, build an actionable financial forecast, and analyze your business’s actual results.

And if you’re dying to dig into the capabilities of AI, check out our recent articles on using ChatGPT to create a business plan and financial forecasts. They’re the perfect starting points to get familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of AI tools and how LivePlan can help elevate your experimentation.

Help shape the future of LivePlan

Are you just as excited about using AI to improve your business as we are? Want the chance to test out new LivePlan Assistant tools and have your voice be heard? Opt into our beta program.

To gain early access and provide feedback on these new AI features—be sure to enable beta feature access in your LivePlan account settings. 

Build a better plan with the LivePlan Assistant

The LivePlan Assistant is live for every Standard and Premium user right now, and we’re excited for you to accelerate your planning with Rewrite. There will be more advancements in the near future along with additional resources to help you get the most out of this powerful new tool. Be sure to log in to your account regularly and follow LivePlan on your favorite social channels for more updates. 

As always, if you have any questions about the AI Assistant or other LivePlan features, reach out to our Customer Advocacy Team for assistance. And you can click here to learn more about why we’re investing in AI-powered features for LivePlan.

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Kody Wirth
Kody Wirth
Kody currently works as the Inbound and Content Marketing Specialist at Palo Alto Software and runs editorial for both LivePlan and Bplans, working with various freelance specialists and in-house writers. A graduate of the University of Oregon, he specializes in SEO research, content writing, and branding.
Posted in LivePlan Updates

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