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Posts Categorized: LivePlan Updates Remove Filter

LivePlan Makes Your Numbers Bigger—Literally!
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LivePlan Makes Your Numbers Bigger—Literally!

Editor’s note: Since publication of this update, our Scoreboard feature has undergone a change, and we now call it the Dashboard.   How big is your monitor? I’ve got a great 27″ monitor on my desk that’s great for building presentations, working on spreadsheets, and just having a bunch of things open and visible at the […]

LivePlan Makes Forecasting Faster With “Fill Right”
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LivePlan Makes Forecasting Faster With “Fill Right”

When you’re building sales forecasts, laying out your business budget for next year, and deciding what your payroll is going to look like, you want forecasting to be as easy and fast as possible. Enter our new feature, “fill right”.

The Big LivePlan Update You’ve Been Waiting For
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The Big LivePlan Update You’ve Been Waiting For

Today, we’re excited to take the wraps off a new version of LivePlan that’s designed to help you grow a better, smarter business. To find out what’s new, take a brief guided tour with us. You won’t believe the difference!

How the Love of Food and Family Inspired a Gluten-Free Business
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How the Love of Food and Family Inspired a Gluten-Free Business

Husband and father of three Josh Fegles loved to bake, and his family had recently gone gluten-free. They were all fond of cookies, and the existing gluten-free cookie options were just missing the mark of what his family was used to eating. Josh started experimenting with gluten-free cookie baking to try and recapture the taste he […]

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What’s New: Paste from Excel

If you’ve been working on your financial forecasts in Excel and are starting to use LivePlan, getting your data from Excel to LivePlan used to be a real hassle. Not any more! You can now paste data from Excel or Google Sheets directly into LivePlan. This is really handy if you already have a forecast […]

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Even More Enhancements to the Dashboard

Editor’s note: Since publication of this update, our Scoreboard feature has undergone a change, and we now call it the Dashboard.   We’re keeping busy with a few new enhancements to the Dashboard data views to make it easier to compare your financial performance to your budgets and forecasts. New bar charts When you’re reviewing your […]

LivePlan’s Black Widow Update is Here
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LivePlan’s Black Widow Update is Here

Firstly, what’s with our update names? We figured we’d better give you the low-down now. After all, you’re going to wonder why on earth your next update comes to you as “Cyclops”… At LivePlan, we do our product development work in the form of user stories, which are assigned to numbered sprints (in the Scrum method […]